Art Direction, Styling, Photography by Celeste Miller
PROBLEM: Produce a unique trend magazine focused on a specific trend in fashion at the moment, showcasing not only its versatile uses but also its significance.
STRATEGY: While trends can be very specific in fashion, they can also be quite general. And while trends could be seen as simply cyclical or reactionary, they are, in fact, a reflection of their time. Selecting the right trend that not only fit for this point in time in fashion but also demonstrated a broad enough concept to then apply to a multitude of scenarios was the most effective process to take with this.
SOLUTION: Nostalgia has been a large, vague trend for a while now. However, when it applies to today’s fashion, nostalgia with specific references to childhood innocence is especially relevant. CHIRPS magazine provides a Teen Vogue-esque outlet for both writing and fashion that appeases this trend in a sophisticated manner. Creative, yet informative, an ideal solution for a trend magazine to be adaptive yet relevant to today.