Art Direction, Styling, Photography by Celeste Miller

Music: Juneau by Drevm Videography: Evan McCormick Editing: Cara Engh

PROBLEM: Produce a unique trend magazine focused on a specific trend in fashion at the moment, showcasing not only its versatile uses but also its significance.

STRATEGY: While trends can be very specific in fashion, they can also be quite general. And while trends could be seen as simply cyclical or reactionary, they are, in fact, a reflection of their time. Selecting the right trend that not only fit for this point in time in fashion but also demonstrated a broad enough concept to then apply to a multitude of scenarios was the most effective process to take with this.

SOLUTION: Nostalgia has been a large, vague trend for a while now. However, when it applies to today’s fashion, nostalgia with specific references to childhood innocence is especially relevant. CHIRPS magazine provides a Teen Vogue-esque outlet for both writing and fashion that appeases this trend in a sophisticated manner. Creative, yet informative, an ideal solution for a trend magazine to be adaptive yet relevant to today.


Everyone has their secrets…

and needs somewhere to keep them. Chirps Magazine gives a glimpse into the mysteriously wonderful world we lived in when we were young. Inspired by cult classics like Heathers and The Virgin Suicides, the zine encapsulates what it felt like to be a child in your own little world, with your secrets making up some of your most vivid memories. The editorials surround the trend of the beaded bag, because we have a tendency to hold on to secrets, and keep them close to us.

Art Direction & Production in collaboration with:

Caitlyn Bryant

Katie O’Brien

Mackenzie Robertson

Victoria Watterson


Rachel Proctor

Celeste Miller on 35mm

Click Here to view the full magazine

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